The information here will help exhibitors plan for their exhibits during the session.
Exhibitor Application Form
Exhibit hall booths are 10 ft x 10 ft and cost USD 1,250 each.
Exhibit Hall Information
- Exhibit Hall Floor Plan
- Exhibit Hall Schedule
Booth Equipment
Each 10’ X 10’ booth will include:
- 8’ high blue and gray back drape
- 3’ high blue side drape
- 1 – 8’ table skirted (blue)
- 2 – Chairs
- 1 – Wastebasket
- 1 – Identification Sign
Island booths do not include drape or sign.
Electrical Provided
- Electricity will be provided by ICCLOS (Indiana Convention Center & Lucas Oil Stadium).
- Service includes set-up and disconnect at back center of booth or most convenient placement.
- The Exhibit Hall utility floor pockets must remain accessible at all times. All Exhibitor equipment, displays, or other types of Exhibitor material are subject to removal or relocation in the event ICCLOS Staff deems necessary to gain access to any part of these utility floor plates for any reason during set-up or show hours.
- ICCLOS Policies & Conditions and Order Form are found here.
Exhibitor Guidelines
- The Exhibit Committee, in consultation with General Conference administration, has the sole right to determine the eligibility of exhibitor and product for inclusion in the Facilities during the Event. However, Divisions will be consulted as is deemed necessary. The mission, values and practices of the Seventh-day Adventist exhibitors should at all times support and promote the unity and mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Non Seventh-day Adventist exhibitor’s products and services should not be in conflict with the values and mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Consequently, there should be no financial transactions or sales by any of the exhibitors during Sabbath hours.
- All measurements and layouts shown on the floor plan are as accurate as possible. The Exhibit Committee reserves the right to relocate an area of the exhibit hall or reconfigure the exhibition floor plan for the benefit of the Exhibitor, or for the betterment of the Exhibition on the whole, as may be deemed necessary.
- Failure to occupy contracted space does not relieve the Exhibitor from its financial obligations to the Sub-Licensor. The set-up of the Exhibitor’s booth must adhere to the published schedule. The Exhibit Committee may, at Exhibitor’s expense and risk, set up any display delivered to the exhibition floor and not under construction 2 hours prior to the exhibition opening.
- The General Conference is not liable for any damages or liability of any kind for any damage or injury to persons or property during the term of the exhibition from any cause whatsoever by reason of use, occupation and enjoyment of the exhibit space by exhibitor. It is advised that each exhibitor insure the equipment in their booth. If using a contractor to setup your exhibit other than the same as GC, it is necessary to have an EAC form (Exhibitor’s appointed contractor) completed along with an attached insurance certificate (COI) submitted and approved by the Sub-Licensor before any construction of a Booth or occupying the designated space.
- Standard Booth: A standard (linear) booth is defined as an exhibit with one or more standard (10’x10’) units in a straight line. The maximum height of the display (including products) is four (4) feet in the low zone and eight (8) feet in the high zone. (Low zone is the first 5 feet from the front of the booth)
- Island Booth: An island booth is defined as an exhibit with 4 or more standard units with aisles on all four sides. The maximum height of the display (including any hanging signs) is sixteen (16) feet.
- Peninsula Booth: Four or more standard units with aisles on 3 sides. The 4th side must allow visible access to the neighboring booths. The divider height is limited to 4 feet for the first 5 feet from the aisle. The remaining wall may be at the standard 8 foot.
- The exhibit/display (including products, signs and structure) and personnel are limited to the confines of the floor space purchased. Booth personnel and products may not be in any aisle.
- All surfaces visible to the attendees must be finished and decorated before the scheduled opening of the exhibition.
- All displays must be fireproof and conform to Federal, State and Local codes and rules. All wiring (including products, if activated) must meet industry safety codes.
- All signs must be professionally lettered and in keeping with the professional atmosphere of the show. Signs are limited to the booth area.
- Booths may be occupied 30 minutes prior to opening. Exhibitors will not be permitted in the exhibit hall during non-show hours. Children 15 or under are not allowed in the exhibit hall during setup or disassembling of exhibits.
- Exhibitors are liable for accidents and/or property damage caused by the actions of their employees, contractors and /or agents.
- Exhibitors should be on hand to supervise the set-up and dismantling of equipment and other items of high value. Small items of value should be removed to an appropriate locked enclosure during hours when exhibits are not closely supervised by exhibitor’s personnel. It is recommended that notebook computers be attached to the exhibit during exhibit hours.
- Audio/Visual equipment and presentations are permitted as long as they do not interfere with the activities of neighboring exhibitors. Exhibitors must ensure that all music utilized are covered by one of the following performance rights license repositories: (1) BMI, (2) ASCAP, and (3) SESAC. (the links to the respective license repositories can be found online)
- Amplifiers and performing stages are permitted only in designated areas with a decibel level limit of 80 dB.
- Food and Beverage: No food or beverage may be sold by exhibitors. Any food or beverage dispensed from the booth must be approved by show management. Samples of food products must be the product of the exhibiting company. All exhibitors sampling must register with the Marion County Health Department and operate in accordance with 410 IAC 7-24 of the MCHD. All other food products must be supplied and prepared by the Convention Center Food Service.
- Security: The exhibit hall is to be locked during non-exhibition hours with 24-hour perimeter security. The supplying of security does not imply an assumption of liability for exhibitor’s property.
- Sales Tax: If State and Local sales tax is to be paid on all sales and religious organizations are not exempt from collecting sales tax, it is the responsibility of each vendor to apply for a “sales and use tax permit”. There is a $25 fee for the permit. Exhibitors may visit the Indiana State government website for more information.
- Subletting of Space: Exhibitors may not assign, sublet, or apportion the whole or any part of the space allotted to them. Only the materials approved for the operation of the exhibit are to be distributed.
- We reserve the right to change these guidelines as circumstances may dictate.