General Information

Steps in the Application, Musician Selection, and Notification Process:

  1. Review the Music Guidelines document.
  2. Complete the online application by March 31, 2024.

  3. Each Division Music Coordinator/Division Music Committee will review and screen their division’s applications and will recommend to the General Conference musicians to represent their division by June 30, 2024.

  4. Division-recommended applications, with ALL supporting information including performance audition music and soundtracks (if being used), will be prayerfully reviewed and screened by the GC Session Music Committee’s selection subcommittee. The GC Session Music Committee selections will be finalized by December 31, 2024.

  5. The Division Music Coordinators will notify the musicians representing their division who have been selected and approved by the GC Session Music Committee. Kindly wait to contact your Music Coordinator for a status update until after January 31, 2025. Please note that the GC Session Music Committee office will be unable to provide a status update on musician applications. You must contact your Division Music Coordinator directly for this.

  6. Some musicians who have been selected for performance on the main stage, or for the GC Session Music Committee Meal Hour Concerts, may also be contacted in the months leading up to the GC Session regarding performances at other venues (youth meetings, women’s meetings, outdoor stage, etc.). These invitations would be in addition to the dates assigned by the GC Session Music Committee, and independent of their decisions regarding approved musicians. If you accept invitations for other performances, please verify that the date(s) and time(s) are not within 3 hours of the time(s) that the GC Session Music Committee has set aside for your performance. Obtain the name and contact information of the one extending an invitation to you because the GC Session Music Committee does not coordinate these additional music schedules. This would also apply to offsite (non-GC Session) performance invitations.

Note: Applications for musical performance are to be completed online by the musician or by a group’s representative. All application materials will be accessed online by the Division Music Coordinators. No applications or other information should be mailed, emailed, faxed, or delivered to the music coordinator’s office or to the General Conference Session Music Committee or Session Planning Office.

Additional Information for Musicians:

Free One-Day Musician Exhibit Table: All authorized musicians approved by the GC Session Music Committee for performance at the GC Session may take advantage of the free, one-day table available to them in the exhibit area. Approved applicants will receive a link where they may request a free one-day exhibit table. All applications for the free one-day table are to be submitted online. Do NOT send application requests for the one-day table to the GC Session Music Committee office. The application form may only be completed by musicians who have been accepted for performance by the GC Session Music Committee. The link to the application form will be provided after December 31, 2024, when musician selections have been completed.

Exhibit Table Application Link Coming Later 

Letter of Invitation: All authorized musicians approved by the GC Session Music Committee for performance at the GC Session will receive a link where they may request a Letter of Invitation. Letters of Invitation, if needed, may be prepared for approved performing musicians, as well as choral-band-orchestra directors, accompanist(s), parent(s) of young children, and limited sponsors, who need to apply for a visa to attend the GC Session. These letters are prepared by the GC Session Planning Office. A link to the request form will be provided after December 31, 2024, when musician selections have been completed. Verify that you provide the correct email address in the request.

Letter of Invitation Application Coming Later

Please Note These Important Items:

  • Information will be sent to you to indicate how to submit the personal data needed for your Letter of Invitation. WAIT UNTIL YOU RECEIVE THIS SECURE EMAIL.
  • Do NOT send Letter of Invitation requests or performer lists to the GC Session Music Committee office.
  • Do NOT add additional names other than the approved performing musicians, their accompanists, the parents of young musicians, sponsors, or chaperones.
  • Do NOT send any vital information by email.

Special Note to Musical Performance Applicants

Submission of an application does not guarantee a performance slot.

Due to the large volume of applications received for qualified musicians applying to perform on the main stage during the General Conference Session, or for the GC Session Music Committee Meal Hour Concerts, many applications of talented musicians may, unfortunately, be declined.

We sincerely thank each one for taking the time to apply. God’s blessings in your future music endeavors.